54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you have been banned from this conversation

Do it

and you’re judging me for not liking burgers

Fish food contain good protein

doesn’t mean i would enjoy it

i just could

favourite drink go

Fish bones are annoying as shit

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i know how to eat and entire mechanical pencil and have done so for money

you hit it right on the nail

the russian heritage means i am legally obligated to drink vodka

and you say my opinions are wrong

many vegetables are better raw but brussel sprouts are not one of them

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I know how to eat glass but what the fuck

what the actual fuck

No, fish food, the one you feed fishes

How the fuck are you not dead what the fuck

the best buzz ever is 2 or more vodka redbulls in fast succession

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it’s about breaking it into smaller peices

and if you know how to do that and have good swallowing skills anything is possible

depending on how much redbull (energy drink) you have

supplement that we extra alcohol and you will be amazed

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you’re too young for this

How do yo
What happens to your excretions

Can’t relate