54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Ya’ll be talking about self-qurantines

Me be like:
97% of my country’s cases are imported cases and not locally transmitted

has probably heard that 9000000 times by now

@katze if you like sweet drinks as well my girlfriend loves pineapple juice and malibu rum

it highkey tastes great, though its not great at getting you fucked up

part of why i drink is precisely for this

but that does sound tasty

Why get fucked up when you can stay sober?

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its a discount pinacolada

I put zalgo text into chat And it crashed when teacher opened it

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because sober is boring

isn’t your country like mega tiny tho :eyes:

probably different from most other places

im actually interested on how coronavirus has effected places like singapore

Everyone makes the same exact joke every single time with my last name
I was talking to a bank clerk like a couple months ago and their last name used to be pronounced penis before they changed it


why be sober when you can forget everything and lower your life expectancy in only a few shots?

If malibu was 40% or 37.5% instead of 21% it would be an amazing drink

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500 cases and going up as people come back to Singapore

Most of them are stuck inside one of the hospitals so :slight_smile:

all people who have had a healthy liver have died

so uh drinking good

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We’re only about a thousand posts before we hit the funny number

They might have to put purchase limits on liquor stores like our supermarkets because people are buying alcohol over here like its christmas

I drank it during University. Now I am wiser and stopped.

me when i got drunk when not with friends is talking to myself in the mirror for like 90 minutes and giving myself a pep talk

Why are people going out in droves to get alcohol
Is it an Australian thing

yes people are locked inside with nothing to do besides drink