54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

running is terrible

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can confirm

Lmao I found pages saying there were 5-7 black presidents.


uhhh yeah that’s wack

u sure it’s on america?

every prez but obama was a white dude besides trump who is an orange dude




i think this is an article tracing heratige to someone with like one black great grandfather and calling them a black president



Does that mean I, too, can become a black president?


ah yes, the real first black president


step aside obama

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Thomas Prism

“Abraham Africanus the First” this has to be satire right?

Abraham Lincoln was our nation’s 16th President and who was known as “The Great Emancipator,” but even further into the topic he had also been referred to as “Abraham Africanus the First.” Rogers wrote that Lincoln, in fact, was the illegitimate son an African American man. His mother was said to have admitted that Lincoln was the progeny of a black man. These assertions were also never documented.

gonna press X to doubt this one as well

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Okay so I don’t know if y’all know or even care but apparently Half Life 3 is out.

Also, I actually know a funny video that’s relevant to this discussion about presidents we’re having.

