54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that’s basically my methodology

Yea same

Thats mostly where Im at, mainly because I see a major problem with beleiving in some omni potent being

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Like the current world state, and various other illnesses just make ya think, whats the point. Theres too much tragedy for this to be someones goal. I feel theres no control and just chaos. Like legitimately why would kids be given cancer for most of them to die. Is it to make the parents feel more for what they have, or is it just bad luck. Like thats the main reason my family stopped going, cause how could you just do that to a person, let alone a child.

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Well sorry for Dats daily existential crisis on his mind.

Life is pain… so is death



love u

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life is pain… BOO!

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I want to fucking die.

Around 5-6 hours ago now I slipped and stubbed my toe so badly that my nail folded in on itself and started bleeding.
Just tried cleaning up the blood. Fucking kills again. End me.


aaaaaa that sucks

Do you think the bone or anything’s broke or is the nail just fucked up?

Maybe dunk it in water like in a bath or smth

hope ya feel better dude

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Nail’s fucked up

Gonna get a bath tomorrow (too late now)

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Is there any updated forum game template?

@sulit just throw in some earbuds and running is great

Feels weird for me when there is music playing around your ears while running though .-.

My aunts had a lot of failed births. But they kept going, even after the fifth kid died and the doc told them to not try anymore. But the two of them never gave up. Now I have 6 living cousins, and I am thankful that they trusted in god and trusted in themselves.
But giving up…? No. That won’t do any good.

Oh god oh fuck my school might not reopen until next schoolyear.