54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Its pretty safe but also you never know whos out at midnight

Same. I’ve been getting weight lately as I’ve been doing nothing but staying home and eating. I’m starting to get cabin fever over this shit.


Im going out alone at midnight, but Im always having a phone with me, just in case, cuz I’m a woman

Yeah they cancelled the hockey season this year :((

I don’t know who wouldn’t have their phone with them if they’re out at midnight

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Well Germany is a really safe country

I don’t have anything on mind rn

I swear you had more of those


And this one

ok i have been calmed for now

these videos are hilarious

that’s long time ago

I am confused

I meant that I don’t watch those anymore

Ok what do you watch now

But yea, thats normal. Try doing more sports in your flat, and eating a bit less, so you dont have too much energy :eyes:

Surely more stuff like that has been made since @Emilia

Yeah I do pushups every morning when I wake up and have a cold shower to get ready for the day.

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YouTube politics, anime, hentai

And waiting for bannerlord

I miss funny videos :frowning: