54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

upcoming game.


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Does anyone of you know functioning anticlaim mechanics?
I think the only thing which CAN work is a clear “if you claim 3 parts of your class, following will happen…”
It has to be a clear “if - then” connection, all parts of it must be open knowledge, the “then” part is not allowed to include anything which allows to confirm your claim as true.
And anticlaim is never allowed to be designed as simple “dont claim”. It always has to be viable to claim, the “then” part is just the price to pay.

A functioning anticlaim mechanic would be "if you claim at least three parts of your class, you lose all usages of your limited use-abilities.

Anticlaim does not exist to prevent claims. It exists to make the game fair for evils, when your game is badly balanced.

This is basically the scared modifier. It’s not used that often as it completely shuts down claiming. The point of an anticlaim mechanic is to usually just to stop mass-claims from locking games down, not stopping claims completely.

It would not shut claiming down? You usually have good but less strong non limited abilities. Losing your strongest abilities is just the price to pay, if you want to claim.

Inq+Mindflayer are way too situational to have any impact on claims (unless on heathens who know they are heathens)

Ominous hints of “there might happen something bad if you claim” is not stopping massclaims at all
You know what happened last time when you tried that

Also you could timelock the thing. Lets say “anticlaim mechanic stops working after D4”.

So you make it pricey to claim before D4, but D4+ onwards everyone can claim as much as they want

Its like when you raise kids.
If you say “dont do it, there might be something bad happening” they are curious and WILL DO IT… unless they have really high respect/fear of you
If you say “if you do it, you will not be able to go out with your friends tomorrow” on the other hand… they might decide to do it anyways, but they know the price.

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claimvigs are very good for VT games but not for rolemadness

but anticlaim is a good mechanic to include in FoL, we’d just need to Edit™ it


does anyone have any good things to do for April fools that are easy and require minimal effort

What do you need a giraffe mask for?

It is a necessity

much cheaper version of actual medical masks lol

Pretend like April Fools doesn’t exist and be completely oblivous when someone pranks you.

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I’m going to replace all the pictures in the picture frames in my house with pictures of cats


Inb4 nobody even notices

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Capture _2020-03-29-16-50-17

That’s nice.