54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What’s it about?

or no spoilers?

Greek mythology flavor


So like Greek gods?

I dont know how much info is going to be in op so I wont say anything just yet just to be sure

you had better not harm my precious special interest i swear to god

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or gods for that matter i guess

i expect rigorous research and reference to more obscure myths, and none of the bastardised versions that the christians inflicted upon the world in their desperate attempts to appropriate something from a dead culture

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anything you miss WILL be infodumped postgame
those are my terms
you have now agreed to my terms

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you say that like this is a bad thing

why would this ever be a bad thing

i have no idea what you are talking about i was talking completely normally in those past few posts why would i not be posting normally ha ha we really do like having a laugh don’t we ha ha

dont harm your what now

anyway back to finishing off my essay on how David Lloyd George inadvertantly fucked up the whole of Britain for 100 years

let’s just say i have a bit of a …thing… for ancient mythohistory

as a very normal and central example of a person I like hearing people infodump about their special interests



You can help us with flavor :eyes:

for example i dedass actually wrote a lecture in my head on how the feathered serpent in mesoamerican mythology has memetic simmilarities to loss earlier today

it was probably terrible
but idk

sure, send me the setup when it’s done

will do, no promises to how long that will be

Though if you do I don’t think youll be able to join if youre good with that

trust me when i say that i enjoy posting about mythology more than i do playing mafia
besides i can probably act as an extra reviewer, which should be fun

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