54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no u

im glorious?

why thank you :heart:

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:joy: :eyes: :joy:


I am apparently tied for lawful neutral + true neutral

I was Chaotic Evil according to that quiz.
It ain’t that good.

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At some point you mentioned a fic to read if you liked HPMoR

I’m too lazy to find the post where this happened

What was it called and should I read it

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first of all yes you should read it.
seconf of all its called mother of learning here’s a link


it has the same style where the main character is never really inept, and most of the time goes about in a smart/productive way, rather than fumbling about


The character needs to be inept for the reader to sympathise and/or understand the world about them.
So only fanfics or sequels or prequels have the main character as the smartest guy in the room.

yeah but at the same time it infuriates me when the main character misses something obvious, and doesnt have a reason for it
thats also why i hate a lot of youtubers for certain kinds of games

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then I guess I’m not a reader


More seriously

There are ways to fail at achieving your goals that don’t rely on your protagonist missing the blatantly obvious solutions to their problems that I can come up with just by thinking about it for five seconds


you shouldn’t be cause you should be asleep :newspaper_roll:

i bet arete has never seen this :^)

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i mean its 4am for me i really shouldnt be awake right now but i gotta live up to my title somehow

I’m not going to read it right now

Right now I’m going to go to sleep

But now I have the link for tomorrow and I definitely won’t forget to ask

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also just im pretty sure that anything here is top notch

now I’m trying to figure out if Simon would really like or really hate this one particularly obscure genre of ?fiction? that I ran across a couple years ago

Simon what were the particular things you liked about HPMoR besides the general concept of a smart and competent protagonist

its been a while since i read it and again 4am so im real tired. way too tired to answer properly

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i’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack


hello Icibalus