54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Tell us what it’s about.

wow i win this bet

Oh really?

Please tell us about your “game idea”, Kitten.


What’s the game about Kitten.

you shall never know till its done.

Well you’re thread’s not getting unlocked for a while then.

that thread isn’t getting unlocked ever

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Good. We are making an actual game because of you

you’ll notice that you saying it’s a game thread happened BEFORE you and squid decided to make a game :thinking:

i win the bet
as you saying it was a game was a lie at that time

But. What if I said bet now

i’d instead bet that this game never fills because it’s a bad idea

Thing is. Marl.
Who decides which games go in the queue?

It’s a sfol idea now.

It’s actually going to be a decent game

it had better be

because sfols have to be…
not terrible
to pass

it’s actually a great idea.

It’s pretty good so far