54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It was also stolen by the Void.

That doesn’t stop me from asking for my classcard though >:(

tbh we haven’t had a NFoL for so long and i think we should

it’s been like 8 months Omegalul

Imagine nights would be shorter than 3 days

I’d be 100% down to do that, but apparently I’m about to getting banned from hosting fol :upside_down_face:

So i take this as Anime Fm was cancelled/postponed then?

If anything changes with that could someone ping me?


pinging you cause you are wrong.

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the void consumed the anime mafia just like it consumed our beautiful cookie

weebs out :^)

@eevee-sama Gib cards

Hey don’t steal my joke you nerd.

bitch I’ve seen your submission

what u think of mine?

i don’t remember reading that post

if you’ve seen my submission then you should know exactly why i inned on the game


Are you disappointed in me

I’m very proud of you Anerd. ;;-;;

Too bad Twisted Wonderland characters don’t count as anime characters because if they did… :3

what can i say

us co-cookie owners think alike

even if arete doesn’t want to admit that we both won :^)

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