54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



okay it works


I’m not changing my pfp this time for April Fools Day… especially since it’s still March


You’re the loser because now you’re a twin who’s going to get mistaken for someone else

I might as well call you a forum sextuplet


The cursed fool sixtruplet

dear god please no thats how i tell whos who

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Hello there

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we must call upon the others

dafuq is that title

it was forced upon me

Oh god it’s the ami cult all over again

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I’m not sure if the fact that Marshal added cowboy hats or the fact that he fucked up the cropping so that there’s a little white border is funnier


The cropping triggers me

is it bad every time i see arete post i just stare at their cat picture

also i cant even recognize my own posts anymore

you know what i realized i fucked up the cropping but just for y’all im keeping it fucky