54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

We need another turbo threads where you host a lot of turbo games in a row that was really fun

It will be mine MUHAHAHA

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I had an idea for a Disco themed game with very simple roles and very simple set up, but every day players vote to play a classic 80’s song on the duke box as well as a lynch, and the song will add a permanent modifier to the game slightly linked to the title or topic of the song (like Grease Lightning could introduce ITA’s or something) and every night Mafia could vote to play a song on the duke box and hope to get a scum aligned one.

Basically it would start off super serious but end up with a dumb amount of modifers in play making it super memey and funny.


and all the modifiers would stack

Where’s the you can’t lynch song

Burn it

there wouldnt be one but there could be a “eveveryone gets a random lover” song or “votes are hidden” or “plays like popcorn mafia” or something

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i dunno i had the idea like 10 mins ago listening to music but seems kinda fun

Could you somehow turn it into turbo and make a turbo thread that way they can’t shut it down

wouldnt rlly work as turbo

plus i just thought of it and would need a lot of work lol

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We need a turbo game now.

1 v 1 me popcorn

Who’s mafia :thinking:

@discobot roll 1d2

1 = I start with gun
2 = You start with gun

:game_die: 1

/shoot fireKitten

FitrKitten was a member of the Mafia!

Hippolytus wins!


wait but on this fine print it says you win when the mafia numbers equal the amount of town.

shiiiiiiit i got played

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apparently there was a bastard fool though