54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

That’s frankly ridiculous

There are valid reasons to not get vaccinated, lack of care and lack of time are not.

They aren’t evil, they are just foolish. Sure they’re idiots but again not evil.
What they see is that they’re protecting their children. I’m not particularly educated on religion either but they may also have some sort of ‘after death’ beliefs of heaven or whatever.
They are brainwashed. That is what it is. Brainwashing.

Single mother working that can’t miss an hour or evicted. That’s an example for the second.
Perhaps not the first.

The consequences of the action are what matter.

Seasonal flu vaccines are almost outside the scope of this conversation?

Sure they help but there are many things much more deadly that are really the prime focus.

People aren’t considered anti-vaxxers if they don’t get a flu shot lmao

You cannot call people who believe what they are doing is right, evil.

Not all actions are judged by their consequences, of course. There will always be unintended consequences. But believing the opposite of the truth and performing actions whoose direct consequences are horrific, and potentially deadly- that is evil.

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That’s on their parents for not doing it before they were that old and busy

No evil person believes they are evil.

Few people are evil

Evil And Good doesnt exist

Well and most of the harmless stuff, or the stuff which is extremely rare in your own region

Most of the world is evil.

Theyre Good descriptors though

The untempered harm most humans have unleashed upon the world through their own ignorance cannot be reconciled with a world where most people are at their heart good people.

Yeah hard disagree

Evil people are people who commit an act of evil whilst being aware it’s evil.
People who were brainwashed by Hitler for example are not evil if they actually believed what he was saying was true, and what they were fighting for was right. If they followed him whilst knowing how evil their actions were then they are evil.

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I think your bar for “evil” is incredibly low

as bad? perhaps not. still bad nonetheless? yes

what kind of shit fucking belief is this
how dare you absolve people of responsibility like this