54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

help me this is reminding me of my own setup

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hi i claim drunk

There are no lies in my words, Arete. Once again, I beg you to reconsider - deep inside, you already know that this is the actual truth that you have been seeking for so long. Besides, that’s a curious attempt to insult me - there’s nothing similar between the Cult and the Blue Dragon. Join me.

You are such a nerd.


Arete is a modconfirmed nerd after all

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Best nerd, dare I say.


Alright I have joined the better cult

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All hail Wazza.

The Lying Darkness

The NK who can win D1 because too many people claimed

I am still disappointed no one claimed The Lying Darkness in jesterfools.

Confused Emissary Day/Night Full Cop is better smh

I’m sure you believe that what you’re saying is right, for Corax and Mithras have closed you off from the truth. Yet I’ve seen how this cult has crushed the spark of truth that all people bear within them, but still I know that you can overcome their lies. I know as well as anyone how hard it can be, but if anyone is capable of such a task, it is you.

And I do not mean to insult you in my comparison, for even your cultists could not fall nearly to the level of the Blue Dragon, if I am willing to accept even their former members, I should not think to hesitate to do the same to you.

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in my defense i was trying to soft i was the class arete got in candlelight

but i also think they didnt pick up on it

I should have claimed the class I was in anarchy tbh

the cult cannot convert you without your consent

if the Cult Leader and Mastermind both existed in the same game, would they share a nightroom?


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what if…


Katze what have you done to Chloe :eyes:

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Priestess would like to know :wink: