54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

and for me it’s easy now cuz i’d only ever relapse on coke or mtn dew and only if it were in a can, and my dad gets 2 liters of diet mtn dew which i don’t like so unless i go out of my way i can’t get soda i’d want to drink anyways

If i eat something savory, I crave something sugary, and then if i eat something sugary, I crave something savory again
It’s a vicious cycle that I feel helpless on breaking.

as the resident Person With One Jewish And One Catholic Parent I feel like Yom Kippur and Lent are kind of different for the purposes Marshal is talking about

in particular I think Lent being 40 days is relevant to its usefulness in breaking habits

alcohol is harder but i disposed of my stashes and the only thing my parents have now is white claw and bud light and i’d rather just not.

That is fair I did not know that.
That makes me imagine ramadan as lent on steroids.

yeah lent is 40 days but tbh 10 days is still enough to try something out, and connecting religion with wanting to break a habit might work for some people.

Tbf i think it’s everything on steroids
I’m pretty sure it involves 12-hour-awake-straight fasting for at least a month straight

i could not do ramadan LMAO. I think i’d die.
not eating meat on fridays was hard enough.

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Keeping kosher is also hard
but it’s doable

I tried going vegan a few times earlier in my life since I align with PETA on the anamal rights scale and that sort of thing means a lot to me
never trying that again LMAO im incapable of resisting eating animal byproducts entirely. Still care about animal rights tho

There was one time where I said I was trying veganism publicly and then I ate two steaks that my stepmom cooked. Boy was she pissed

I wouldn’t find vegetarianism impossible.

I enjoy meat alternatives and tofu, and there are days when i don’t eat meat. But damn would i miss burgers and shit. Also have no moral conviction to, so the only reason would be health, and i moderate how much meat i eat.

veganism is a hard no and never could.

Beef also is atrocious for the environment (and since im a socialist which involves ecosocialism, that sort of thing means a ton to me). But I can’t resist it so oh well.


I have eaten these almost every day for like 3 years. Love em. Didn’t realise they weren’t meat until like last year.

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Hmm maybe I should look into getting some
I wonder if jewel or mariano’s sell those

There was kroger in atlanta (which I loved, they had the most amazing little plastic boxes of multicolored grape tomatoes and little sacks of different colored mini potatoes)

But they don’t exist back here in chicago sadly

Also a fan of their burger patties but have only had like twice

Update: Signups for Ritual Mafia 4 will be opening very, very soon!!!

(later today if I get the green light from eevee since the game is supposed to start in five days)



Possible actually good combo? Play strong Auras and Thrill of Possibility your Collosification into your graveyard, and ideally you can get a 23/25 (effectively a 25/25) on Turn 5 that can attack immediately for 25. Potentially even more.

i’ll see if there are any other good pre-five-mana ways to dump auras in the graveyard for Naya Herald while standing against Ikoria’s signature creature aggro.