54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You are a meaniehead.

i always played to win ToL only because i wanted that gold armor so i could be part of the 1%

I have it.

but it was really funny


just haven’t used it much cuz lolmac

i mean whenever i play ToL alch i usually play like a complete ass and then usually win because nobody dares harm an alch

Gold armor is a trap

People expect god plays
Dont give in


Let’s create a new game that does work on mac.

Yes, I realize that I am saying this on the forum least likely to get a positive response from.

Yes, I am mostly joking.

And dont wear judge title either its a curse

Instead buy beta scorned

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nah but it’s the best way to be converted n1

Except if NK is Possessor.

No thats being guide+

You’re either converted or killed n1 - no doubt about it

And if youre in game with another guide+ you MUST target them n1 no matter what

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Unspoken rule

as poss i would disguise myself as marshal fill my logs with the word marshal and make my deathnote the word marshal…

my winrate plummeted

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this is why i always make my name not obvious

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Obviously what we should do is add every neut from the neut competition

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ToL neuts, rated:

[] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[] discouraged from openclaiming
[] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

conclusion: 1/4


[✓] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[] discouraged from openclaiming
[] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

conclusion: 2/4


[✓] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[✓] discouraged from openclaiming
[kinda] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

conclusion: 3.5/4


[kinda] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[✓] discouraged from openclaiming
[] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

conclusion: 2.5/4


[✓] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[✓] discouraged from openclaiming
[✓] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

4/4. A+. Be like Scorned.


[…sorta] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[] discouraged from openclaiming
[] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

Conclusion: 1.25/4.


[literally actively bad] useful and valuable niche
[✓] has abilities that help win condition
[✓] discouraged from openclaiming
[] has to proactively work to achieve win condition

would be 2/4 but I’m taking off a point for having a niche that is actively harmful to the game, making it 1/4. why does this exist.

