54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

3 kills and 2-3 BD targets

yeah but like

most inqs are pretty passive

id rather lynch in PoE than lynch an Inq most of the time

it depends a lot on the heretic list

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id actually rather execute an alch than an inq, given the choice

unless the inq heretic list is fucking stacked



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I get both the other abilities, but other than ‘I’m good to keep around’ based reasons what does heal do to help alch

makes good phys fake claim

I was being sarcastic
that probably wasn’t easy to see

heal is literally counter intuitive on alch other than the whole, keeping yourself alive thing

I mean some Inqs even go out of their way to help BD.

Like, recently, an Inq had 3 BD targets, claimed D1 and never killed any of their heretics.

Instead they went after suspicious people and likely Fools.

yeah and inqs like this deserve to lose

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and do they lose

they have to follow BD or get lynched

but if they do they get NKd by scum

They lost, yeah.

(But BD actually suggested to Jail+exe one of their targets at endgame.)

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but lynching an alch is literally almost always the wrong play

if BD have no knight/hunter alch almost never dies to BD

and scum rarely waste their time on an alch either

scum really don’t like killing alchs in most instances because it’s both hard and generally unproductive


i seriously considered lynching marshal in FoL25 even when i knew objectively it was the wrong play

because fuck that nerd

Unlike in ToS, where scum and town go out of their way to kill Survivors.

survivors in tos have negative utility to town so it’s fairly reasonable

ToS has a guaranteed TK, so 50% vig

although i dont think survivor can spawn in gamemodes where TK is guaranteed right

Okay but scum also usually goes out of their way to kill Survivors.