54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

there is a more popular one but its completly unbalanced


idk what i expected

meanwhile: image



ive never played adopt me and im scared to

why does it have 520k players its actually intimidating

Oh? It’s the only one I know of.

Because kids.

i dont even know what it is though

is it just a RP game

I’m pretty sure it is, yeah.

its 1v14

where 1 is vanilla mafia

and town has cop+doc+lover masons+ 2 confirmable claims

seems good


why not

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Very balanced.

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the balancing factor is that no one does anything but random vote


Did you try telling a Dev?

idk why you’d assume thats the course of action

one sec ami

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if your thinking of the command thing ive tried all that already

its real bad rp game

can you DM me/chloe your player.log

(or post it here but idk how the forum does with text file uploads)

%userprofile%\appdata\LocalLow\Imperium42 Game Studio\Throne of Lies\ if you need the directory

Also, there’s a forum dedicated to “De Mol”/The Mole.

It’s hilarious as people have the wildest ideas/theories/tinfoils that most of the time make no sense at all and there’s a running joke that everyone pretends like they do.

and me with them toe pictures