54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Kirefitten the dark themers are losing your poll on here :smirk:

Who cares if we lose the poll? We’ve already won the war. Default Theme is dark :^)

We’ll get the default back!
Start with the forum off topic
Then the forum games…
Then the world!!

Also the poll is one I let FK set up to decide my theme in this new dystopian world where dark seems to have won

  • Dark Theme
  • Light Theme

0 voters

Real unbiased poll go

Light Theme isnt winning that poll anymore :thinking:

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@Marluxion ding dong your opinion is wrong

Must find light themer to swing it back into our favour

I cannot even ask Wolf. As he’s dark theme
Wait… No… A dark themer who didn’t vote on the other poll just arrived.

Bli, hey, don’t scroll up

Oh noes

I have been blackmailed to join dark theme


HA HA DONT THINK SO FAST, my friend. WE ARE now 50/50

Light Theme Logic:
“Yes let me destroy my retinas for no reason”

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Join Light Theme

Honestly, it fucking does.

Unlike you I don’t need my screen brightness at 10 bajillion percent to be able to damage my retinas

I won for us DOOOK THIIIDE!

Blizer and Dark HTM cannot scroll up to previous polls

I can’t tho

I was converted

You guys just had your setting for brightness on high



FK’s poll results:
Dark theme for me: 3 mods and FK
Light theme for me: Myself, a traitor and 2 other forum gamers