54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

rimworld is nothing like stardew valley lmao

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terraria is hella fun with freinds or solo

probably have 1000+ hours on all platforms

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Is stardew valley good btw

Yes i think it is

we should make a terraria world together

They wanted to ‘change up’ the meta

Fast forward 2 weeks and they’ve banned both main healers so Support mains get screwed over and then the next week they’ve banned basically every hitscan so Pharah is OP then next week they’ve banned mercy

just do what LoL/R6/Dota does

banning phase

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aka any competive game with a hero system

I like to play this game called Extreme Boredom

It’s where you stare out the window for about 15 minutes because you have nothing better to do

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They banned Sombra
I’m like, why would you ban one of the worst heroes in the game
Please bring a banning phase

More fun if it’s raining.

i recently just lost one of my hardcore worlds and haven’t gotten one past the eye again yet.

but terraria is hella fun

btw if you’re thinking about buying RE3 and you’ve played the original
Don’t buy it please
You’ll be so disappointed

I started terraria a bit ago and then I got bored because I didn’t know what to do

Terraria is fun

imagine playing support

if your DPS cant kill pharah then go ana/baptise and shoot her down yourself though its not hard

terraria is a great time

i heard it was bad :^)

sombra isnt one of the worst heroes in the game though? she hard counters quite a few characters

shes just not as versatile as most other damage characters because she doesnt dish out very much damage

I think it’d be fun if I was playing with people tho

The problem is that when I do play the game I have cliff jumping tendencies :eyes:

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that sounds horrible out of context

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