54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



speaking of siege

those april 1st patch notes arent an april fools joke and it angers me

It takes up so much space :frowning:

There haven’t been any good games to release since ages
I mean they even screwed up RE3


you haven’t even the 500h yet, fool
get owned, daughter


if i added up all of my steam accounts id have probably 4000~ hours in CS:GO as well

smh mom

There’s only one game where I could have more hours in than in Tol, and that’s Sims 3 :eyes:

my hours in some old games aren’t tracked but i wouldn’t be surprised if i had close to 10000 hours in one game

i know i have ~5000 in runescape tho

what the fuck

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don’t judge her, she’s good :wink:

im a gamer

a girl gamer

i have 5551 hours in sims 3

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gamers rise up :sunglasses:

which is roughly 231 IRL days

iirc ofc

I have like … 25 different games on Sims 3? 4 of them from my main game, where I flooded the whole city with offsprings… my clan has over 50 members
I’m playing in 4th generation now


what the fuck

you have probably spent more time talking to sims then to real people jfc

i wonder if there are stats for youtube time watched cuz i’ve probably sunk 10000+ hours into youtube

why do you think i try to fill the hole in my life with hot anime men ind ating games wheere they dote over you and give you compliments and call you pretty and love you forever and won’t give you up