54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You Traiter!

Whispers in @Nerbins ears why not

Hey it woiks!

You show no HONOR!

A man stand and fight

Whispers in your ear host turbo

Darkness is my home, I live in it, I breath it, I’m constantly not okay in it.

You know whats funny, you need to type in “white” on the command to do so

I think that game’s free now.

You’re not okay with darkness? Then join the light.

Like dis?

I’m never okay, light blinds the fuck out of me

Ryan, question.
What’s your opinion on replacing “scum” with “wolf”?

I think scum is good because scum always refers to be a bad thing.
Wolf is an amazing thing in one context so it lacks the effectiveness

The word scum kinda bring out the inner emotion of anger/nervousness

And wolf brings out the inner emotion of hanging animals.

@discobot roll 1d2 which word should we always use.

:game_die: 2


Dislikes this now, so isn’t going to be dark themer
:white_circle: :crossed_swords: :black_circle: