54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


that scene is sad but that description is funny af ngl

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is it really that sad

i consider the ending of that movie/book to be a relatively happy ending

how morbid is that

i mean with context it’s sadder

but still sad

its just ah

Why do you exist

he got put out of his misery

as opposed to the treatment he would have gotten otherwise

alas, happy ending

well yes but the circumstances that led up to that was sad.

I don’t think george was wrong in doing what he did but i don’t think that it was fair that he was put in that position in the first place

nobody is happy and fuck this earth
let it all burn

chaos reigns

But then anarchy happens irl
And it ends within 2 days


sidenote if there were ever a revolt agianst the government i would join

for [redacted] reasons and also because it would be fun

the way i see it, there was no place for him that he’d be accepted in that time period

which is probably the most fucked up part

not like people know how to handle people with mental disabilities now, but it was even worse back then

anarchy was a social experiment

well yes

but his death was still pretty saddening
especially because he was so oblivious

Anarchy 2 electric boogaloo when

when eevee isn’t looking


at a surface level i suppose

but im the person who overthinks this shit

so i thought it was a happy ending


the social experiment has been run
if anything next i would host a setup that follows the lettering of the rules to the dot with no bending or context for the rule break

just if you break a rule
modkill :^)


someone quick distract eevee i’ll start setting up the game