54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i think this is just what marrying a girl is like

she definitely has you’ve posted that 4000 times

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what if it was 4001

this why i’m prime marriage material

once i hit 18 i’ll make a shitty dating game with myself as MC abd y’all as the romancable people

4001 times

no no we’re just a stupid townie, until we don’t immediately drop the push upon them complaining about being scumread, at which point we’re scum

i think everybody thinks this about themselves tbf

i garuntee they woulda townread us if we townread them :joy:

except i’m actually prime marriage material
i have large tracts of land

i have a cute face (allegedly)

so im prime marriage material

ugh I don’t want to be salty about that game but that particular hydra is like … half of why I haven’t joined anything on MU in a while
and I feel bad about admitting that because I know that’s pretty explicitly what they want

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there’s no winning in FM
you either give up and “omg they gave up too easily was probably scum who gave up when they got resistance”
or you don’t and “omg obvscum pushing for mislynch as hard as they can”

I mean one of them said in dead chat that they thought we were town when they were trying to push our lynch

damn it’s the exact same for me.

I was gonna join that 80p match but specifically didn’t because of that

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let the hate foster and you get me
don’t be like me
that’s stage 5

who wouldn’t want to date the demon that stalks the shadows when they find theirself completely incapable of moving once they wake up

stage 5: you are ami

we don’t talk about stage 4

stage 4 is the mythical stage of marrying me

hard pass
i’ll stick to menacingly watching you from the shadows whenever you get sleep paralysis