54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

imagine not having a school where fights evolved into total riots where people were hospitalized

what the fuck was wrong with your school


I mean I did too but presumably for the opposite reason


same but i also hung out in the office a lot casually

i wasn’t in trouble too often

f l o r i d a

it didnt help that like

my HS wasnt in a good part of florida (IF THIS WASNT CLEAR)

What is a good part of florida

The everglades?

can we bend reality and instantly post 400 times so i can go to sleep soon

the everglades are cool

where i live isnt a super bad part but my HS was a bit of a drive away

knew the guidance consular personally by end of sophomore year


I’m just heading to bed now lol

gnight nerds

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Yknow, someone didnt keep the rules. And then lied about it. And she would have gotten away with that shit.
And I was angry…
Eh I shouldnt have hit her that hard I guess
Now I know better ways to deal with such situations of course


go fuck your self and die in a hole
in other words
good night

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must not fall asleep

Education at work :slight_smile:

I used to be kinda a problem child in middle school because my freinds would always get in fights and i’d usually try to step in(“fights” is an overstatement, usually just a bunch of kids screaming at my freinds with autism) but i’ve been called down a few times in those group things, or to complain of bullying cuz that shit was pretty rampant.

like the school was always like “Bullying is bad! unless ur parents pay us money, ofc, then do whatever the fuck you want”

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i found the news article for this

i won’t link it for privacy reasons but

hes still in jail lol

I mean so did I

but, again, for different reasons :eyes:

my guidance consular was a fucking champ

i loved that bitch

i also slept in her office (like, during my free period - don’t make this sound weird)

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how are your schools so nerdy
imagine being in a school where fights don’t send people to hospitals

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Middle school for me was def pay to win.

the people who’s parents donated a shitload of money got free reign.
this kid just fucking left school 20 minutes in like 50 times but there’s a building named after his parents because they donated the dough for it so nobody gave a fuck

no jokes about that please