54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

bastard role idea

the complainer
you have every right to complain about your role, because you are functionally a vanilla townie. until the end of day 1, you may request this role to be reranded into a random role pm of any alignment
you will be given a new role pm at the start of the night
it can still be vanilla town

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re-rands role

‘you are now a Miller!’

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For every complaint you make the chance of randing vanilla is increased

technically it’s neutral

it starts as vt precisely because being vanilla neutral would just have survivor wincon and that feels dumb

Did someone say wallposts.

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“You are now an NK-immune Miller Vig!”

but if you gave every villager this role hilarity could ensue as they put the game in lylo like 2 days in by reranding

you reranded into a hyper omnimiller. you get modpeeked wolf at every sod and you appear as wolf to all checks including tailored/framed checks

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Mafia Academy had several of those

I think I sent you one

Petition to add a duelist to FoL so that marshal can never escape death

“You are now a town aligned Compulsive Silencer”

Actually yes, I remember now. I’m going to re-read that whole game some time, thanks for reminding me :eyes:

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seen it

Sounds like pain

mafia aligned compulsive ic
reveal yourself as a member of the mafia day 1

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That’s guilty child

Anstreim in two days: ‘how did you misclear Astand, he was the most obvious wolf ever and his claim made zero sense’


What’s even the point