54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no, you’re right

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Opposite goes for playing on far outside as first assuming opponent also plays optimally



best of 5?

final round



I altered your quote slightly
Without context, it applies absolutely to both Connect Four and Tic-Tac-Toe.

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so lets number it

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

assuming you go first, and both players play optimally
if you place in 4 (middle) you are guaranteed to win
if you place in 3 or 5 you are guaranteed to draw
if you place in 2 or 6 you are guaranteed to lose
if you place in 1 or 7 you are guaranteed to lose but faster

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Currently playing Golden Deer route

They haven’t been useful for combat and their supports are pretty…ehhhhh

TicTacToe played optimally will always be a tied fairly sure

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EZ clappus

pls try not to spoil while im around
I just started my first playthrough (on blue lion) a few days ago

i think this is also accurate but i don’t remember what the optimal move is

i think center > corner

alright marshal
let’s fucking go

My intention was to not buy the game until right before the last DLC wave came out
And the last DLC wave comes out april 20th
So I was pretty spot-on

i challenge you to a duel of revolvers

ha thats the funny number

Corner can allow for wins against scrubs, but afaik center is optimal for not losing

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I’ll try not to spoil, got it

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