54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

my profile picture affects how I view my own posts

this is a little weird

we’re no strangers to love

you know the rules, and so do I

a full commitment’s what i’m
thinking of

you wouldn’t get this from any other guy

just wanna tell you how i’m feeling

got to make you


Never gonna give you up

never gonna let you dooown

Never gonna run arouuund and desert you

never gonna make u cry

never gonna say goodbye

never gonna tellll a lie, and hurt you

We’ve known eachother
for so long

your hearts been aching but, your too shy to say it

Inside we both know what’s been
going on

you know the game and were

gonna play it!

if you ask me how i’m feeling

Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see.

Never gonna give you up

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