54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i don’t appeal to anybody

Yeah. Appeal to a mod

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Better to lynch town than to lynch noone, right?
ok I never played in plurality, ik this was only legit for majority

you appeal to catgirls

are you… hitting on me?

no it’s always a better player to lynch somebody even if they’re a villager, so long as there is a reasonable chance they are a wolf

you cannot miss out on the information


I mean like

better to no-lynch than to lynch the revealed IC

but better to lynch someone who could be town, but could also be a wolf, than to no-lynch

katze you can’t win

i’m an hour behind and can barely even sleep without pills to help

Policy lynching Priestess is always good, because she’s either evil or an easy mislynch
No way that she can get into endgame
So, lets better lynch her now than later

or is prepared to die protecting scum :eyes:

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you made it to final 5 once

like in the MU bastard mash i was in we had to kill somebody who claimed (through a convoluted series of events, might I add) to have become a wolf but to have been suddenly decoverted upon the death of the cult leader

and he was actually super pure, but we absolutely could not leave him alive because he’d be a terrible thing to have at LyLo, since he’d be an easy person for wolves to plant shots on for mechanical reasons

so killing him was the only option

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people are afraid of letting me into lylo/mylo too


I wonder why

I cant see why


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also in that game it turned out that the host was running one of the 82 anonymous accounts according to orders that i gave him, completely unaware that I was telling the host how to play the game

so that’s fun


I know, and it almost screwed us, because mislynching me is inevitable
Better to do it sooner than later

i guess we’ll never know

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that’s not what we mean
if you’re pure i’m not going to lynch you
mislynch bait are the first people you try to clear using reads or mechanics