54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what u gon do bout it

buy a copy of “go the fuck to sleep” and drive to your house with it obviously

you’re too young to drive to my house i think

  1. you dare challenge me mortal
  2. i’m your sleep paralysis demon
    i’ll appear from the shadows :eyes:

i’m like beetlejuice
if you say my name three times i appear


Italy Italy Italy

is italy asleep

have i won

Now go to sleep yourself, nerd.

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@arete go to sleep

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Arete please do go to sleep too.

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at least im objectively superior to knightaly

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If you don’t go to sleep within 10 minutes I’m going to bookmark this post and show it to Italy once he wakes up. Surely he won’t be happy about you calling him a Knight :^)

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i was thinking about going to sleep but now i don’t want to

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Nice bluff, I know you are scared. Go.

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bold of you to assume that texan nerd can scare me

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But what about two Texan nerds instead?

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marshal is almost less scary than italy

I would say that this depends on circumstances, some of the Marshal’s posts are… interesting.

Arete don’t make me smack you with a newspaper. Please go :heart:

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