54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

12/12 not good :stop_sign:

:wave: hello

can anyone host popcorn mafia

can anyone give me a playstyle so i can play like that next game regardless of the rand
maybe if i have other people dictate how i play i’m gonna find something that feels good

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all caps and :joy_cat: spam

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please don’t actually do that

i was gonna do that

serious suggestions please i actually care about this
ok that makes me sound too serious but pls

or else i’m gonna do this

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all caps and :joy_cat: spam

are you sure about that

isn’t it gonna get me banned

i can do it but


from most serious to least serious

no posts longer than 200ish words
w a l l p o s t s
posts written in poetry
all caps and :joy_cat:

i’m surprised these two aren’t switched around on your list

ok i’m gonna try these 4 in order thank u

oh no

what have I done

you have done me a favor and i am grateful

this is definitely the way to go

don’t forget the bold text


do them all at the same time
