54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

As long as you write no homo on it you are fine.

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Your profile picture really fits your name.

Alright, before we get into a super deep discussion about sex and gender

whos up for a discussion about religion

it is because I like William’s design.
no homo
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I am an atheist.

Atheist or agnostic?

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God, I feel like I’m going to faint, ugh…stupid “chasing my computer” game.

Atheist. My family is very religious and everyone in my family besides me is christian so yeah I am fucked.

What is your main problem with God?

Or even, religion in general


Well I started not believing in him when I saw Waluigi porn.

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Ie, more social boundaries will be broken

Honestly the lgbt community is full of pussies.


Gay is just a label people use and it’s a lot more fluid than you make it out to be in my opinion. If a gay man loves a woman at one point, in his life it usually does not give him the label straight, so why should it work the other way around? Most accurate is just to use the label people want used on them…

There are a lot of girls in the lgbt community.

I meant Marcus but I appreciate the pun

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Do you think that LGBTQ+ opens the door for things such as bestiality or pedophilia?

I’d like to have some robust discussion on this subject