54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i’m wheezing what is this

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it was a really obvious phrase, being “what are you doing?”

Ici you are starting to scare me.

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nurse please check his pulse
i think we’re losing him

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this is either an ascended level of meme i cannot comprehend
a fictional reality
or the exact, horrifying truth

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he never said it, unfortunately, and I’m 90% sure that he figured out the trigger phrase early because my hints towards the gag were too heavy handefd so he deliberately avoided saying it to fuck with me

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this is a really cool backstory for a forum mafia player
a family of masterminds who use social deduction on each other daily


little did Vulgard know
it was all three

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do you mind if i steal that idea

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you’re converting me to this idea


So what was the joke? You can’t leave us hanging now.

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no my family is the family of Masterminds

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the joke is our family traditions’ existence
none of us actually take it seriously

katze go to sleep please
arete you too
how do you guys function with so little sleep

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no my family >:(

i slept like 8 hours

i also slept until 3PM

this is normal

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Hello from “5 hours of sleep after going to bed at 6 AM” gang to you too Vulgard.
I agree with the notion though, go to sleep nerds.

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yesterday my father deliberately hovered over the programme “All Round to Mrs. Brown’s”, a programme that we all absolutely despise, implying he was going to record it, all so when me and mother inevitably do the police interrogation gag he could turn it around on us

most days I get about 8 hours, just 8 really weird hours

last night was Special because I woke up at 5:20 AM and didn’t fall back asleep until around 8

honestly i think i operate better with 5-6 hours of sleep than i do 8+

college fucked me up