54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that’s the name of our new progressive band
we schedule our concerts to only happen at the most bullshit times possible

Go to sleep.


katze your wolfgame could be compared to marshal’s except less confrontational and reckless

and you’re easier to tr
with marshal it’s always like “wtf is his alignment”

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people think the same of me and that doesn’t stop them from townreading me for no reason

i think my sample size is way too small for this to be an accurate assessment

i also think that the more games i play the more likely someone figures out how to ACTUALLY read me

:joy_cat: WHAT ARE YOU :joy_cat: TALKING ABOUT


marshal’s alignment in every game is “marshal”


again we should never let Marshal touch Trickster Candy, seriously.

im gonna use all my likes tonight aren’t i


ici is the most annoying wolf on the planet (if he actually tries to play) and a pleasant villager
ici stop being a jerk as wolf and you’re going to be superior

just do what I do and be a stingy bastard when it comes to likes
my likes received to likes given ratio is off the charts
clearly I have won at friendship

i just don’t like playing wolf okay

but i like liking people

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> be Arete
> be a wolf in a game with Vulgard
> post a read
> Vulgard: ‘this read is fake, you don’t make fake reads as a villager’

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understandable tbh
i like wolfing but i’m also obvious af

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see i think the strength of Arete’s wolf meta is that it’s actually quite obvious when it’s happening if you’ve seen it a few times but it’s so hard to articulate that you can’t realisitcally attack their position with it

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that said i may have an idea how to fix that
yet to implement it but
i shall

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i didnt think id like playing wolf but being forced to play MM in like, my 2nd FM game ever kinda threw me in the deep end

and i came out enjoying it

oh it’s easy
just say
“godread, lynch arete”