54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

everybody knows wolves cant post on this site


arete is the only wolf in the current meta who posts a lot i think

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In Evolution mafia i tactically no-posted until my death after i knew i had fucked myself
so yes

and even then I think there’s probably some intangible difference in post density given that arete always high-efforts wolfchat (you know it’s true)

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wolfing tip

that is not how you win as wolf

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im pretty much always a top poster while im alive :eyes:

my early games are exceptions tho


i have proof that i either tunnel villagers or tunnel wolves

i won tho lol

look only reason i don’t get killed is because my meta is obvious and because i usually land a hero shot on a wolf at some point

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looming threat, champs practice game on mu, clash of cults: i tunneled villagers all game
evolution mafia: i tunneled wolves all game

…actually this means i mostly tunnel villagers

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and like
if more wolves come out of the game dead if i rand villager as opposed to if i was not in the game
i’m happy

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having an obvious meta just sounds unfun

why would you want people to know your alignment immediately

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honestly one of the single most important skills for wolfing effectively is just … making a coherent case for why a previously-not-really-pushed villager is actually a wolf

it’s not actually hard but most people can’t do it for some reason?



because 75% of the time I’m unlynchable and can do whatever the fuck I want

there’s advantages and disadvantages
In secret hitler, we’ve stopped listening to my friend who always quarterbacks entirely because everything that comes out of his mouth is always 100% NAI

see that sounds cool

but being null/poe means you never die at night :sunglasses:

Though yes, I would like to correct that and beocme good at wolfing.

Also this was response to previous post