54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

lol @ angels flocking to marl

Please don’t make that whole thing a… thing. It’s awkward :eyes:


nah hes a boomer


I never argued you should

I should host Golden Dragon III sometime

That reptilian faction . . . Lol

At its’ heart mafia is still a team game. Knowing that the wolves wanted you off the opposing team is a significant acheivement enough, especially when VTs are in the game. This is part of why I like vanillagers by the way- being killed as a vanillager is an acheivement in of itself, since your own acheivement overrided the wolves’ desires to kill a PR.

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i still can’t believe that in lotr we spk’d solic night 1 with a strongman kill and nobody was like “hmmm solic was strongman killed maybe his reads were correct???”

it was a strongman kill
wolves always use that to spk


If you attracted the kill over a PR read (something more people should do on this site by the way) you acheived something.

That achievement is based on other games not in the exact game

It is in most cases preferable to not get killed in cases Where wolves would want to kill you (thus doing stuff to prevent spk)

I don’t get why people love being in the game for as long as possible, though?

generally being dead is less fun than being alive

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And also, not neccecarily. SPKs, especially on this site, are usually based partially on a person’s skill but also on that particular game, and where their reads could lead them.

Because if We assume you’re Good enough player to be SPKd your presense would help a lot

Personally, I think DVC is one of the best elements of the game, but that’s just me.

generally if i’m left alive as a villager i’m like “fuck, my reads are wrong but idk how to re-eval”

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if i’m alive past d2/d3 then i start panicking

idk what DVC means but i assume its like, dead villager chat?

in which case i agree sometimes but being alive is still usually more fun

Wolves in the current meta don’t have enough breathing room to WIFOM, so yeah. Though generally it’s your most or second most prominent read that they’re killing you for.

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Yeah, Dead VIllager Chat is a riot.