54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My favourite scene from insatiable was when Petty’s best friend found she has a crush on Bob and she is like “Are you crazy? He is a child molestor!” And Petty is like “Which means I might have a shot.”

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I laughed so hard at that lmao

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That was pretty fucked up but I loved it.

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How would you know it was God and not anyone else though?

And honestly its nothing new. There are a lot of teenage girls who want to get fucked by Justin Bieber those crazy bitches.

That’s how to catch an STD 101

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Remeber when you could touch a girl without it being called rape? Good old days.

If I read wikipedia correctly, basically an universe sprung up and it didn’t happen on its own, so how did it happen? God is not a satisfactory answer to me, because similarly I could ask how did god happen and I don’t accept the answer: “god was always there or something like that”

This statement makes me think you contain xy chromosomes so why is ur name lily and why do you have a big picture of tits as your background :thinking:

You’d accept that a minuscule ball waiting to explode was always there?

Oh I am a girl I just hate feminists and sjw.


Ok good so you like being touched randomly? :thinking:

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If the person is under 18 and attractive then yes.

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I wouldn’t, but I’d be convinced either way, wouldn’t I? Because by nature of the debate all my questions/doubt would be answered/gone. I presume an almighty god should be able to convince me. For all practical purposes they’d be a god to me either way, since alternatives like being some conscious code in a simulation would practically boil down to the same thing.

I accept it more than the god hypothesis. What is god to you? Because if it’s just some “divine energy kickstarting the big bang”, then I am a lot more inclined to believe in that.

I believe God is “divine energy that kickstarted the Big Bang”, of course. I also happen to believe God has also done a whole host of other things

it’s literally against the rules to talk about religion
so don’t

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Both Marcus and I would keep it civil. :confused:

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Please Ici. This conversation hasn’t gone south in the slightest. I’m all okay if we start cutting each other’s throats out but for now we are having a robust discussion

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brief statement: i don’t believe in god but I really want to but I seriously just can’t

probably because I’m one of the few people in the world who was softly indoctrinated as an athiest but there we go. i’d describe myself as an agnostic

if you talk about the existence of a divine being you start talking about omnibenevolence, the problem of evil and it just goes downhill from the moment the atheist inevitably brings out a creationist strawman

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