54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

FoL20 was busted because the villagers never mislynched yet lost.

I would prefer it if you ceased to spread fucking lies about the game not being about mislynches.

Sorry that’s my playstyle

i cant answer this as i dont really know the singers of the songs i like or at all what their albums are

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and i’m telling you that it’s objectively shit based on 3 years of hard-earned experience

It’s working fine :woman_shrugging:

because you only play fucked up imbalanced and busted setups instead of good ones

im on soundcloud so none of that is attached to the song so i cant really check it

if you can win without having to push mislynches your setup is broken, without exception. the very foundation of the game is based on it.


I’m playing mechanical games, yes. I can win pure social games, as I proved multiple times, but I find it boring

Because you don’t understand them in the fucking slightest.

if there’s a ton of guiltless tk
and they all shoot town over and over again

screw you too

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That’s what this discussion has made clear. You seem to think of wolves and villagers as reflections of each other instead of distinct playstyles, yet seem opposed to the very principle that the villagers and wolves will have to fight each other in the slightest, and think of everything in cold, pale, sickly terms.

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that’s an oversimplification and you know it, but shush


being self aware in that particular way is generally wolfy is what I meant to say, but I’m more expressing shock and sheer disgust at the fucked up Cult Of Being Soooooo NAI

Yes. I’m seeing it as a kind of chess. You figure out how to use your mechanics the best way, and then try to adapt your social moves to it.

And you keep losing and believing that we’re toxic because of it as a result.

You don’t keep losing, you don’t keep getting mislynched, you don’t keep getting ignored because you’re playing differently and we don’t like your playstyle, it’s because you’re bad at the game.

Just fyi, you’re a year too late. That changed a lot in the meantime.