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nowhere near as much thread control as mislynch focused

personally my goal as town and wolf is to stick around for the mid-late game where i have an advantage over most others in the way i can understand and use mechanics, its just that as villager i give correct interpretations and as wolf i give less-than-correct interpretations in order to further my goals


no arete goes heavy on thread control
wolf!arete is characterised by the creation of PoEs and organisational structures in a manner that they later use to constrict village’s moves into mislynches

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agree to disagree then

but i choose to only really play closed, semi-bastard games, where this can be effective.

theres no way this strategy would work nearly as well in, say, Cop 9

Hell no, just imagine a single match with only players like I and eevee :eyes:
it would be hella interesting but really really strenous

it might be fun, yes. but it really would not be that good for the site as a whole to have that kind of play style.
for one, not a lot of the other fm sites would take us seriously
and as neat as it is to essentially say “no mom! that wouldnt be cool!”, it does kinda matter that other fm sites at least take us somewhat seriously

eevee’s style would change whereas yours wouldn’t

he’s smart enough to know to switch to the american style of mafia player in a room full of people who won’t get things done

(I agreed with you, I wouldn’t want everyone to play like me, definitely not. I just think that having different playstyles as a single player is totally fine)

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basically, having simmilar wolfranges and villageranges means you’re often sorted into the nullpile or in the villagepile but are generally ignored. having a style that is hard to pin down but is nonetheless definitely able to be villagery or wolfy is more valuable, since that way, even if there’s huge arguments over your alllignment, you’re in a position where your reads and thread action can impact the gamestate.

the weird “cult of the NAI” thing i’ve seen from people doesn’t work because it diminishes your actual influence over the gamestate

to illustrate

can anybody name a single game where one can definitvely say “katze was a villager and their reads won the game for us”?

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also, because villagerange and wolfrange are being thrown around in a context that makes them misleading terms as opposed to how they’re used in-game

generally wolfrange is used to describe somebody’s attitude to bussing and villagerange is used to describe somebody’s attitude to fakeclaiming PRs

fun fact, i can say that about me, and im quite proud of it, even though its probably not what you mean

Personally i feel like i suck as both villager and wolf because i feel incapable of reading confidently without using meta and using meta takes me dozens of hours which i rarely have time for

almost every win i’ve had here i’ve felt that i’ve been carried or was dumb luck

so yeah

yes but simon do people read you as “null” a lot? no. you’re usually further away from null than >rand in either direction, because your posts are intelligent and they inspire relatively strong reads. you’re by no means perfect but you’re a tough read in the good way

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i’ve always thought that “villagerange” / “wolfrange” referred to your ability to do things as one alignment which you can’t do as the other
for instance, fabricating deep reads as a wolf. if somebody can’t do that as a wolf, then it’s out of their wolfrange if they do it and probably indicates they are a villager


that’s basically it
and they should by no means be the same thing, because if they are, you often fall into a position where your reads have zero influence and you’re just along for the ride

Same, at times a player getting pissed off is probably just because of you insisting on using bad logic, not because they were caught for the wrong reasons. This happened to me regarding Katze’s RT in Anime Mafia because nobody who was in a good position would ask for them to be checked, and people still interpreted that I got mad was because Katze caught me for dumb reasons.

well yeah, im not good at making reads on my own but im still able to play off other people to help them advance the gamestate,
i just tend to act the same way as wolf for 2 main reasons. 1, it works to my strengths and so its fun, and 2, i dont like being meta read and being able to cite a game or two for wolf and villager for any one of my ticks/habits is useful