54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i think it was something to do with the objectively false beleif that FoL is toxic and that only by making the setup less competetive can we fix it

i feel like you need a teacher or you need to change the way you approach the game
or both


For example
I am usually not bussing, only selfbussing. I can absolutely bus others, but its rather unusual for my playstyle. Its extremely hard to find scum spews by isoing me, but I spew too many people as town

i’d offer but i’m not very good myself
i need teaching and experience too :upside_down_face: but maybe 1 day

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you fucking said 5 minutes ago that your style was to wantonly mislynch your partners

i feel like you’re being aggressive for no reason here ici
don’t get heated over every little thing, it’s not helping you sell your point

We had people who had green checks outed on them and then misvig’d the next night because the vig(Fireslol) didn’t bother to read the thread.

We had people who was clearly lock-town because of their asymmetrical meta(Isaac) who were vig’d because the vig(Marg) thought they were annoying.

Like, had anything like this happened on a site like MU then both of those two would probably get their asses banned for gamethrowing while here it basically took shit to hit the fan for these problems to be addressed.

Only if it helps us mechanically. Not to gain towncred

i do not care at this point
as stated, priestess clogs up any discussion about mafia with needless contrarianism and i want her to at least fucking consider that she’s wrong for long enough to understand that i have a point

i don’t mind priestess being a passive observer around here
In fact i find it helpful at times

alternatively you could dominate the thread with a consistent set of partners and gain control of the perceived narrative to manipulate people to their self-destruction instead of relying on the setup being busted in your favour

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it’s not actually helpful to hear somebody with a contrarian opinion who is unwilling to accept that they might be wrong based on zero evidence whatsoever

aight so i remember ici saying something about eevee knowing both playstyles and knowing to switch when one was unnecessary.

Eevee is the avatar, master of all 4 playstyles, the bridge between worlds

(this has nothing to do with the argument)


at least i have three or four years of experience to go off of when it comes to thinking that i’m right

contrarians are fun

Eevee is absolutely unusual
Sometimes his plays look like throws, but they are 300 iq
He can absolutely carry games



that game was lost at rand


so THAT’S why marg was banned

No no its the main reason why everyone thinks 16p was too scumlean

okay so maybe it wasn’t completely broken
but it was still indicative of massive fucking problems with the setup that two players could break the game