54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no that wasn’t it
it was a hope that i would get accepted in an irl community and thus wouldn’t need fm anymore for my mental health
but that failed

vBulliten doesn’t have that function

so a dreaming god?

i did irreversably lock myself out of both here and there at the same time. after all


Hippolytus - cop
HippoIytus - insane cop

if I remember rightly I tried designing one but gave up two years ago
i made Hippolytous a role that peeks the same as the real Hippo but doesn’t have their abilities, designed to cofnuse wolf rolecops


italy has an ita shot every day but it’s 0%

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Someone else has an ability to increase ITA percentage by 50% for the following day
but only italy has an ITA

Sounds illegal :thinking: as european member you always have a right of deletion/anonymization

0% on wolf
100% on town

not in america lol and mu runs on EDT

yes some eu ppl have probably done that for MU in the past
but not many probs, it’s a lot of trouble

the large majority of forums i’ve been on, accounts aren’t deletable whatsoever

katze chloe and marshal start the game in a neighborhood called “the hyperposters”
as long as they have at least 2000 posts between them in a single day phase, including neighborhood chat, they gain additional powers
1000 posts at night


you can only do it by getting an admin to, and basically you can sue them if they don’t delete it


What would I be?

of course yes
you say so yourself
u r locktown
at all times

sulit would be in a neighborhood with arete
if they claim masons they gain additional powers
but they are not guaranteed to be the same alignment

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The challenge for this community game would be not to turn it into a meme game.