54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

is this a meme or a legitimate suggestion i have trouble distinguishing


100% legit

Why would it be a meme

i can’t tell with you for some reason
@osieorb18 i’m designing a large closed mash with itas, fantasy/medieval themed
will u help me design it
pls dm me if so

Again you’re gonna need to use Discord tbh

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kk, doing that

mostly i don’t want to have to change everything when i have this reviewed :upside_down_face:

I should read a book

I find the prospect of reading rn boring but when I start reading it’s good

but when I stop I find it boring again

and I don’t feel like doing it

even though I know I’ll probably enjoy it

this is a weird problem

Here you go



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It’s worm

It’s great

Full book is online because he’s not done editing a version for print yet

raises hand

lowers hand

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Worm is #5 and its sequel is #1


as for web fiction as a whole, no thanks

But Worm is solid, definitely gonna get whatever hardcover set comes out

I kinda wanna reread a book an base a setup off of it

It’d be cool tbh

and I’d actually be able to write decent flavor

i mean, perhaps not on there, but have you read anything else by wildbow?
im currently reading twig and its pretty good

I’d be down to WormFM

have you read illuminae