54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

well not being able to die would suck

since if you think about it in the biological sense

you not getting older

means that your telomeres never wear

and that your cell structure doesn’t change

which means that for you to be “immortal”

you’d be the single-cell being that’s the egg which just combined with the sperm

The only world I could ever see myself wanting to be immortal is a world where I isolate myself from friendships even more than I do now

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not a good way to live

even for a non-immortal life

you good?


I don’t really want to bring down the mood more than I already am, but the short answer is “probably”

Yes, I just answered a yes or no question with a “probably” :eyes:


if your cell structure never changes then you’re stuck looking like you do now

no thanks even more

i am the blastula

I’d actually be more or less fine with that to be honest.

but half my motivation comes from trying to get to my ideal body

if i dont have that then im fucked

I am the mitochondria

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you are the powerhouse of the cell

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the powerhouse of the cell

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Chloe you are already ideal compared to my skeleton arms.



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youre the cult leader

it fits the theme

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Int > Str any day.

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big bad

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strength, otherwise known as the stat that I automatically put my lowest ability score into

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Please tell me your prio is Int > Cha > Wis :eyes:

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Because you are really charismatic :^)