54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i do however have this

one time I was playing Avalon and trying to collude to not double-fail a quest

so I said ‘I’m putting a fail card in the box’


As for the shorter one for just alignment
I’m True Neutral

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well this thread is a few years old…

I joined the forum when I was 18


maybe I’m just a horrible reader

which is why I shouldn’t play any social deduction games


LE > NG > All other alignments :^)

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more seriously

I very rarely attempt to outright lie to people but when I do I frequently mess up at the part where I say something false and just … tell the truth instead

CE > all

Chloe why are you a gnome.

Imagine being bound by laws and morals



I… Know how to lie well but I refrain from doing it often irl.

dude i am the shittiest liar

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All I do is lie

In fact, I’m lying right now!

@Chloe what test is this

Most of my lies are either white lies or lies by omission, there are really not many situations where I will lie (and I will never lie to certain people, period) but I can do it convincingly and on demand.

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i’d rather say nothing than lie

i guilt-trip myself over everything

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