54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

continues to casually brag

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tfw you find yourself applying scumread-mitigating tactics irl to keep people from figuring out when you’re lying to them

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i can put a usb in on the first try

No you can’t you fucking liar

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look at the dexterity questions

judging from those standards yes I’m fucking horrible

So what did you get for your personality test, nerd.

okay I’ve definitely knowingly made a factually incorrect assertion that was intended to cause people to think that I believed the assertion being made (and was not part of a social deduction game or similar context) as recently as December

I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting about in the intervening four months


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I think I lied to my dad literally yesterday


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I think that my actual lie was… last year when I confirmed that I did something when I actually did not but… That wasn’t really a ‘big’ thing? I really can’t recall any cases where I intentionally misled someone with my answer, at least not within the last 2 or so years.

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if im out driving and come back later than i should/said i would, ill just say i got home around the correct time, i was just listening to music in my car since then
heres the thing though. i do often enough just jam out in my car for like up to an hour at a time before actually going inside.
the best lies are the ones that are the slightest possible variations on the truth

i havent lied to my parents recently, which im happy about, but its more for lack of things to lie about, which is what im more proud of than the lack of lying

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I mean I don’t try to lie (or like doing it)

I just do it

why is kat chloe
why is chloe kat
am i going insane

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Yes my dear Italy, I’m afraid you’ve lost it.

italian hat trick

hello little texan man

i mean. i just kinda have an odd lifestyle and im apparently good at lying to the point where ive only very rarely been caught.
so despite the fact that i know my behavior is not right, there is literally nothing showing me that its bad for me to do it. soo its not really a good cycle atm

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for scumread-mitigation tactics i mean


Still true neutral