54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you posted it 3 times for me but 5 times for arete

I’m almost neutral good
And I’m a wizard

But you constantly attempt to invalidate my chaotic evilness


Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out
Neuts out

i’m the D&D paladin so imagine normal paladin

imagining it?

but with a gun

I can just tell my Invokers to occupy you, little italian man.
But where’s fun in that.

ah you see. i dont have a facade. afaik they just dont realize how good of a liar i am because the only times ive been caught were because of something i had a time pressure to come up with something and only had a truly dreadful response.
never anything where she slyly tests me while knowing the truth to see if i lie to her, just up front about it, so i know when im caught and unless i can think of something genius (or have time to plan in advance) im screwed anyway.

like she says she knows more than i think she does and im sure she knows more than she lets on, but theres no way in hell she knows everything

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do you want to be Neutral Good

Revoke Italy’s gun rights.

did you know that there’s a warlock god that literally doesn’t let you die until you pay back your debt to it

/falconpunch eevee


not really

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Amelia join me on the good side

true neutral is just superior

you’ll never split up the true neutral hydra

I was a bad liar when I was young

I am no longer a bad liar, and probably quite a good one?

how do i know what alignment i am

again its the “next time i wont get caught” mindset breeding these skills. instead of fixing something i just get better at finding places/hiding things/avoiding detection.

im a rogue in the making

take the test


ive never been caught in any big webs of lies. mainly because i never let anything get that far. my lies are grounded in reality enough so that it only affects the person i tell it to, and anyone they would talk to wouldnt implicate me