54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

unless you’re icibalus or marshal

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your skin is lame

i was an edgelord

elementary =/= middle

i didn’t do anything rlly important in elementary

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i mean mines a catgirl so idk if its much better

i peaked in 7th grade

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it is

The snowball only melted about halfway through the summer, leading to the glorious moment where, after spring half term, we returned to a misty field, wandering through the damp, muted green, only to encounter a condensed, horrifying ball of snow and dirt that was freezing to the touch and compressed to the point where it was essentially invincible

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the most impressive thing I did in elementary school was being good at math

I was going to say ‘and I turned out fine’ but the veracity of that statement is debatable

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the most significant thing i did was get bullied throughout middle school
oh wait that’s not significant

also wtf ici
you’re a goldmine of stories it would seem




I believe the plan was originally to make a snowman, but I had organised a daring snowball fight assault on my upperclassmen that inspired them to create what amounted to a snowball fight nuke- the ultimate snowball.

same except it also happened for most of high school until X happened

the most significant thing I did in middle school was start being in high school

this is slightly less stupid than it sounds

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my school had a bullying issue

cuz if ur family had mad cash… the school seriously would not give a fuck what you did

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i think that my history of getting betrayed and bullied has made me rather numb to the idea of social relationships and explains why i don’t really have trusted irl friends rn and am pretty alone without bothering to change that out of subconscious hesitation

wait we were supposed to be sharing cool stories


no wait I forgot the best part
we weren’t allowed onto the field until the snowball melted, because the teachers were fucking terrified it would roll over and crush someone despite being effectively carved into the ground itself

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i guess i’m generally a good student so i suppose i have that going for me even though i don’t care and i don’t feel smart

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*middle school

but yeah

most of the ppl who were bullies were also like living in 5 or 10 million dollar houses