54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what if you are none it still lets you anywhere?

still all of the above

shaddup it’s a WIZARD thing


imma have to object on #2 there

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i mean i can be an asshole here

but ill just say ive watched rick and morty :sunglasses:

no that’s still not right

are you

a politician
a nerd
a bureaucrat
a sports person
a person person
a Miscellaneous
or the one we don’t talk about?

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By the way, the Blue House who nobody called by their actual name (everybody called them Ravenclaw) were almost certainly cheating when it came to tallying points, and I tired (and failed) to catch them in the act.

none of the above

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Helga Hufflepuff said she’d take them all



fuck Vul is a Hufflepuff

where do edgelords go

why does that surprise you

somehow i expected this

hufflepuff gang :sunglasses:

edgelords are grouped in with the nerds

this is basically canon

Result chart
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im like

huffelpuff -> slytherin -> ravenclaw -> gryffindor

as people-bucketing systems go the Terra Ignota buckets are really good

but mostly because they have Utopians

and Utopians are very good, the best people-bucket

gotta love that JK Rowling characterises Slytherins as white supremacists in the later books, implying that any Slyherins are fated to become white supremacists from when they are 12

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