54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hey geyde the new MtG set is releasing in 5 minutes

I might play mtga

Well, that would be start to do so

you get a free draft token (read: Arena pass) if you log in this month

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Alright if you have faction cop Who checks faction And you say cop results are always correct then you add secretly a packwolf that has wolf wincon but share faction name with most town would you consider that bastard

that was literally in Clown Fiesta, so yes, he considers that bastard

I already put that in my game that I’ve already run
It’s dubious but ultimately fair


I didn’t mention that factions impacted alignment in op, which is why I didn’t lie yet potentially confused players based off their expectation
That was of course one of design goals so it ended up working out

conclusion: society

I mean I would say it’s Bastard because most ppl will Expect cop to get correct results on wincon

Bastard = lying to players
If I’m being vague then I’m not lying, but at the same time I create potentially confusing scenarios for players

Game had expectation of being pretty off the wall and stupid
That was accounted for in design

That does apply to conversion case I made before though? They technically wouldnt lie

Yes but I mean if it was in game That didnt have such expectation

In this case, it’s dubious
Ultimately if you then included alignment changing you could easily confuse players

Probably wouldn’t pass review
Dubious is the word I’m using to describe most of these things since while they are technically allowed in rules, they don’t create fun dynamics

all that happened was the end of Theros Mastery
can we get an F for my bad timing skills

What a gamer moment

it’s actually coming out at 18:00 this evening
so i’m going to go pee, and then i’m going to explain early 20th century british poltiics to my father, and then i’m going to play FM and the-