54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

maybe italy can finally get redemption from death to a tree

please do

we could make an official hunger games thread

but spamming the cookie thread feels right

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also 50k to 55555 feels like a big gap but i cant think of any good middle numbers



it needs to be this

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oh yeah

thats kinda obvious huh

@arete nice number nerd

corona thinks not

it’s smaller than the gap between 44444 and 50000

and we bridged that gap in less than 10 days

okay but like


@discobot fortune

should we go to post 54321

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

also one of you mods needs to update the OP one day :eyes:

discobot has spoken

Italy starting off with no nonsense

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eevee just fucking murdered arete damn

damn right i run

i dont wann get shot omegalul


Chloe fishes

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